Monday, December 14, 2009

Brushed style punk for woman


I love the hairstyles style Punk, although personally I would not dare for one. Why? simply because they seem too rebellious to me for my taste, although that does not reduce any beauty to them. Except for some exceptions that in all the hairstyles they are, they all turn out to be marvelous if they can take.

The hairstyles punk although any of them might be thought this way, are not a recent tendency. Almost that appeared along with the movement punk in the music, that current that moving away from the rock, happened to the task of using the music as a form of rebelliousness to the social conventions that seemed rigid and senile to them.

There were the 60 and to take a brushed punk, it was an indisputable stamp of the rebelliousness that was assumed, like a way of answering to an oppressive establishment, at least like that the boys were thinking it punky of then. Today the styles punky have been updated being mixed by wicks and there are the hairstyle of any that one that the short hair pleases and lightly unconcernedly, rebellious or not.

But leaving the topic of the music and the culture punk for the experts, I present to them some hairstyles style punk beautiful that are practical, modern, and I already say part of a culture to them. Insurance they will like, who knows if here there is the cut for that you were looking.


punk - hairstyles

punk - hairstyle4


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