If you are thinking of changing your hair tone, that you know that this autumn takes the fair-haired platinum, or this way the cren the celebritys that have signed up to this autumn fashion, but, earlier you have to know certain cochairs to see if it suits you or if on the contrary the platinum is not yours and, perhaps, any another tone, inside the blonds, but, so so extremist:
If you have a long long hair, a cut bob or a brushed style garçon, the blond is the best color to be chosen, but it does not have to be a platinum, there is a big scale of blonds if you do not want to do a change of severe look to yourself, if you want a drastic change, you can put yourself the roots with a black tone and the rest of a discolored blond, but, of course you want a brutal change.
But, skylight, not because you have a long long hair or a cut bob, the blond is going to suit you, to that you have the very angular or very thin face, you would have to put yourselves some wicks, if you are dark of skin, the best thing is a tone chocolate or chestnut-tree, which also take this autumn and if above you it accompany on a cut Japanese style, that also they have become fashionable, since you are going to remain marvelous, here left to you some sample, greetings.
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